About us

About us

Our history

The VAN HULLE family has been active in the field of forest tree cultivation in Flanders since 1750.
The company at Waarschoot was founded in 1936 by Remi Van Hulle and his wife Paula Coppens and the original surface area covered about 2 hectares. Needing more space, the company moved to 't Hand 10 at Lievegem in 1958. With the transfer of the parental company to the sons in 1972, a private limited company was founded: SYLVA Ltd. Today SYLVA nurseries covers about 80 hectares and apart from 20 permanent employees, it engages also over 20 seasonal workers. The production reaches about 20 million forest plants per year, such as Fagus, Quercus, Castanea, Corylus, Prunus… and 80% of the turnover is realized in all European countries and some chosen countries beyond Europe.
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Our mission - vision

Sylva is THE Belgian grower of forest and hedging plants, cultivated in a socially responsible way for a green environment in Europe.

Sylva wants to be and remain a fixed value on the market of forest and hedging plants with a socially responsible and highly qualitative image. On the short term, Sylva wants to improve this image in the European market and in some chosen markets outside Europe in a profitable, innovative and sustainable way by means of motivated staff.

Sylva makes the difference

Experienced team
Skillfull know-how thanks to experienced staff
Qualitative plants
Uniformity of the plants thanks to modern growing techniques and mechanisation.
Environmental efforts
Ecofriendly methods of production such as mechanical weed control and sustainable production methods.
Innovation  & technology
 Development of a unique tree grading machine
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